One of the things I have found in my research so far is that artists seem to be more prepared to investigate human interactions with a wide range of forms than roboticists.  This is a huge generalisation I suppose, but there certainly seems to be more acceptance of the possibilities of a wide range of interaction types in installation or performance art.

Here, as an illustration, is a link to the Autonomous Light Air Vessels website.  These flying robot “creatures” form an interactive flock and in version 2 people can use mobile phones to communicate with either one ALAV or the group as a whole where this communication alters the individual or flock behaviour.

It is sometimes difficult to see the ALAVs reactions in the videos, but I find them fascinating, and would love to have the opportunity to interact with them myself.  The fact that they fly brings them close to some of my science fiction robot inspirations (more of these in a future post) and maybe this is why I am so drawn to these creations.